TW-III Internal Audit on the first day Located on the III Floor of the Electrical Department Building, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, July 7, 2022, and for the second day, 8 july 2022 located on the the Civil Department Building. TW III Opening Internal Audit activity has been carried out to maximize all the activities of the Faculty of Engineering. All staff, education staff, and heads of related departments discussed and prepared all the files needed to support and support all activities and programs of the Undip Faculty of Engineering.

The presentation related to the implementation of the TW-III Internal Audit by Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, MM, M.Sc., Ph.D at the Civil Engineering Department Building

The TW-3 internal audit activity was divided into three topics, namely a public hearing, which was chaired directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, MM, M.Sc., Ph.D, and preparation related to curriculum and academics by Vice Dean I, Prof. Dr. grout. tech. Siswo Sumardiono, ST, MT and discussion of trials associated with PBM Offline and K3 by Dr. Abdul Syakur, ST, MT as Deputy Dean II. Each sub-discussion on the implementation of the TW-III Internal Audit went well and smoothly until the end of the discussion.

Discussions related to K3 and Preparing Offline PBM